Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Sorry if I repeat anything...

I was very sleepy when I wrote this post :)

Day 3 Continued, and a little Day 4 for good measure…

So after visiting the giant goose in Wawa, we carried on up and down hills as we made our way around Lake Superior.  If you’ve never done it, the views are spectacular.  Panoramic shots from every elevation imaginable.  We even managed to see a couple moose grazing by the side of the road along our way.

Our trip was broken up by a couple quick stops, one to the beautiful town of Terrace Bay, where we gobbled down a quick bite and took the time to customize our trailer with our names, destination and a growing list of towns we’ve passed through.  I spoke with a man who had been biking from St. Johns Newfoundland since April 21st!  We had trouble keeping our speed on some of those hills in the bus, I can only imagine what it must have been like on a bike!

We then moved on to the Terry Fox Monument in Thunder Bay.  On one of my many trips out west as a kid, I had the luxury of seeing Terry running at the side of the road as we passed, not once but twice.  (On the way out and on the way back).  I was pleasantly surprised that I didn’t have to explain to any of the scouts who Terry Fox was.

From the Terry Fox monument you can also see ‘The Sleeping Giant’, which is a large rock formation that resembles a giant laying in the water.  It was a bit hazy, but Scouter Rachel managed to get a few shots.

We made another very minor fix to the trailer with the help from Scouter Wally and filled our bellies with spaghetti before we were on our way again.  This time our goal was Dryden for the night…by the time we got there it was dark and most of the kids were sleeping on the bus so we made the decision to try and make up for lost time by driving through the night.

Unfortunately it meant we had to forgo one of our itinerary items, but I didn’t think the folks at Ornge would have appreciated us trying to get them to give us a tour at 3am. 

Sunrise found us in Winnipeg safe and sound, albeit very early.  We stopped by the Royal Canadian Mint to see if they would be open that day, and luck would have it that they were…but in about 2 hours.  Perfect, just enough time to get some breakfast into us.  Breakfast was served at the local Perkins, and then we returned to the Mint to enjoy a quick tour and stroll through the gift shop.  The gift shop even has a real gold brick worth approximately $500,000 that you can pick up to feel the weight.  Sadly there was a chain and armed guard that went along with it, so I’m still not rich.

As we continued through Manitoba we stopped at the Manitoba Agricultural Museum in Austin.  We began to look around, and when we inquired if there was a cafeteria where we could invest in some eats…which they didn’t have.  We were a little disheartened after several failed attempts to locate an open store on the holiday Monday, but the lovely folks made us some hot dogs from their own personal stash, which we graciously accepted.  The woman who ran the museum got along famously with Scouter Tammy!

After jumping back into the bus we managed to get to, and squeak in a tour of the RCA Museum.  The kids were enraptured by the number of large artillery and other war machines they had on display.

We’ve now entered Saskatchewan and are staying at Moose Mountain Provincial Park for the night, where we all get some time at the beach, a shower and a good nights rest.

All is well, everyone is still smiling and happy.

Talk again soon,

Scouter Keith

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